Math is essential and helps us do many things that are important in our everyday routine. Here are some daily situations where math is vital.
When we wake up in the morning, we check to see if we have enough time to finish our tasks for that day. (Awareness of time, reading a clock/watch, organizing routine). Encourage your kids to make a timetable for their daily activities to allow time for their hobbies, education, relaxation, sports, etc.
We set our daily routine depending on our workout schedule, count the number of repetitions while we do our workouts, etc., just based on math. Have your child practice any exercise like skipping, push-ups, or running, and ask them to keep track of their repetitions.
Basic command of math helps keep track of scores for every sports activity. Geometry and trigonometry help us find the best angle to hit a ball or make a basket. A sportsman needs to have math skills to make correct decisions for his play or even for his team. It also improves his decision-making skills.
We use math when shopping for different items. Math skills (addition, subtraction, percentages) are critical here. For example, stores frequently have sales that offer goods at a percentage of the actual price. How much will one dress or shirt cost once the % is calculated? What about after the taxes are added? Will you choose to collect all your things and hope for the best at the cash register? Or is it better to know the price before checking out?
Math is everywhere, so it is in the kitchen. With the help of math concepts such as ratios, proportions, fractions, conversions, you can calculate the quantity and proportions of all ingredients and decide on cooking methods. Involve your children while you cook in the fun of food preparation. Help them understand how math can help with simple and easy processes.
The basics of driving, no matter the mode of transportation, are speed, distance, and time. Math helps us calculate the distance, speed, and time to arrive at the destination, as well as miles per hour and mileage.
Interior design seems to be a creative and exciting career, but it revolves around many mathematical concepts. You will need a decent knowledge of dimensions, units, and unit conversions to pull it off. It looks effortless, but you need to know how to do the math.
Interior designers plan their work depending on the area and volume of any room or building. These concepts are an essential part of math.
Just as in interior design, math plays a vital role in fashion design. While taking measurements, estimating the quantity and quality of clothes, selecting fabric and colors, and producing clothing according to the customers’ requirements, calculating cost and profit, math is required at every stage.
Math itself is always a unique subject. But you would be surprised to know that is the basis for every subject. Physics, chemistry, economics, history, accounting, statistics, and many more are based upon math.
So, next time you think about not studying math ever, remember, this subject will not leave you ever.