Praveena Kommidi
Founder & CEO, Rocket City Learning Center
Cell: 256-714-7357 (Text Preferred)
Email: Praveenakommidi@gmail.com
For Tutoring Request: Call or Text 2562515447
Know a little about me before you meet-
Dr. Praveena Kommidi is an educator, speaker, coach, volunteer, entrepreneur, mentor, mom, wife, friend, and catalyst. Her vision and mission are, in her own words, “To possess ultimate freedom to inspire, contribute, lead, and teach while growing as a lifelong learner every minute of my existence. I mean to live with passion and purpose and to serve as a leader while living a balanced life. I will use my gifts of intelligence and charisma to cultivate self-worth and net worth while talking less and doing more. My mission is to be the best version of myself in my career, my health, with my family and friends and in my emotional self-being, while never settling for less.”
She says she had been running away from physics but somehow ended up with a Ph.D. in Physics! She is a social animal and a doting dog mom who loves meditating, dancing, painting, and walking on fire, crossing her comfort zone every minute of her life. She likes doing anything she can to raise funds for a good cause: crazy 26 mile hikes and going over the edge of a 13-floor building are some of her fundraising exploits.
Dr. Kommidi dreams about a world filled with kids who are fired up to learn new things and always ready to explore new horizons. They will grow emotionally, intellectually, personally, and spiritually with the help of passionate teachers. The team at Rocket City Learning Center operates diligently under her leadership, boosted by her 20+ years of experience in education. The aspiration is to send every student to college with a full ride while helping each individual discover the joy of learning. Dr. Kommidi applies herself steadfastly, working to fulfill this dream. Feel free to connect with her on social media. Follow Rocket City Learning Center: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, or Pinterest.

Dawn Price
Dawn Forrester Price is a highly experienced educator and writer, with a post-graduate degree in Education from the University of the West Indies and a Masters in Teaching English and ESL from Coe College in Cedar Rapids, IA. Her teaching experience covers K12 to college undergraduate and post-graduate students in Language Arts, Business English, ESL, GED and Speech. She is also a mentor and instructor in Social Skills for individuals on the autism spectrum.
After teaching for 18 years at Kirkwood Community College in the English, Learning Services, and Student Development departments specializing in Reading, Writing and Communication, Dawn relocated to Huntsville with her husband and son, and has been here since December 2012. She has been with Rocketcity Learning Center working with the entire student body since 2014.
Isha Patel

Navya G Reddy
G. Navya Reddy, I am a dedicated, goal- oriented individual with high energy, meticulous attention to detail and strong organizational skills. I have an MBA graduate in Financial Management and love my role as a Digital Marketing Co-ordinator at Rocket City Learning Center, where our mission is to send every student to college with a full ride.
My duties include developing strategies for digital marketing designing new products to convey just the right message to target, audience and creating a quarterly marketing plan. With the pace of digital media, there is always something to learn and always something new. I enjoy collaborating with others to gain different points of view and refining our strategies.
My skills include managing social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Search Engine Optimization, and Video Editing. In my spare time, I delight in collecting rare finds, listening to music, gardening, traveling, and reading books. Feel free to connect with me via gudipallynavya@gmail.com.